I think it's amazing the way your life changes. One minute you're sitting at a crossroads, the next you are going down this winding bumpy road and you have no idea how you got there. You try to examine the choices you made to get you here and nothing-past or present-pointed at you being in the present situation you are in. Life's funny that way...
The really funny part is, there are some decisions that are made for you. You think you made a good one; a decision where you weighed the pros and cons, saw no "drama" in the direction you choose and low and behold...God is always at work. Springing suprises on you and not preparing you for them. He's constantly taking you on these journeys and adventures that you did not sign up for and you literally have to pray you make it out alive and unscathed. I rode a roller coaster called the Intimidator at Paramount's Carowinds Saturday and LORD HAVE MERCY THAT WAS ONE WILD RIDE!!!! I signed up for that adventure and prayed I would live, needless to say I didn't get back on the Intimidator, and the other roller coasters were less, shall we say...intimidating. And life is just like the Intimidator, up, down, round and round with you holding on for dear life and screaming your head off. Ironically, when things do become too much for us to handle we turn to the same person who put us in the untimely, unfortunate, and unhappy situation...God.
We pray and hope that he is out there listening to help guide us through our turmoil. Help us find the strength to fight another day. The words I speak are lessons learned from him. I usually try not to make my blogs too preachy, but it's my blog and sometimes we need a reminder that someone is here and watching us. Whether you believe in God or not, the lessons are still the same. Trust, faith, prayer, hope. The rules are still the same, be honest, loving, and have character.
This turmoil will pass. We just have to keep going. This long winding road may have a few bumps too, but we have to keep going. The Intimidator may have you throwing your hands in the air saying, "What did I do!?!" Find your support, gather your troops, friends, family, and those that care about you and ride the roller coaster together. I was so glad to have my Best Mate Nikki with me on that ride, because when we got off we could relate to what each other had gone through. That's why you need your troops. We got to look back at the scary, breath taking, nerve wrecking experience we just shared. Rebecca, one of my closest friends said, "No matter which bone we get handed, we gonna suck it til it's dry!" Translation-No matter how bad this experience is, we are going to deal with it. Sometimes situations suck! That's the truth, the winding road does not discriminate, so if it sucks..."SUCK THAT BONE!"
I can't say that whatever you are going through won't be hard. It's going to be hard, but we've got to perservere. These long roads are never easy. We're going to cry, shout, yell, be angry out of our minds, but one day the sun will come out. And you will be at another crossroad. You will be at the stop sign. You will look left...then look right...and make a choice.
Keep Going...
Are you needing inspiration? Are you feeling lost and alone? Do you feel like no one understands? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you then it is time for a reassessment. I will not only help you with your assessment, but I will have one myself. Making you feel better helps me feel better. Inspiring you inspires me, we are in this together, we will get through this together, we will Keep Going together. Amie Barr, M.A.